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Wow! Thats really f*cked up! E-bay scammer on Judge Judy

It's a long video....but it's worth it....

I hate judge judy.

Always have, always will. This was no exception.

It was two evils battling in this video, and Judy actually seemed to be the worse of the two. Don't call someones parenting skills into question based upon a court appearance. Don't call their spouse or significant other a coward, when she probably volunteered to go instead of him.

Honestly, a list of what she made fun of.

Weight? -Check.
Intelligence? -Check
Kids? -Check
Parenting Skills? -Check
Spouse? -Check
Insinuate possible tax evasion? -Check
The fact that she signed something her husband handed to her? -Check

All those assumptions made in less then 5 minutes. The only thing she didn't call into question was the girls hair colour.. As a judge, you can't DO that, you have to be impartial in all situations, and that's why court-room dramas like this are always such complete bullshit.

I won't downvote this, but my complete hatred of judge judy prevents me from upvoting it.


^ I'm not a big fan of hers, either, but that fat blond chick was scum and she got off easy.

And her husband's scum, too.

They knew damn good and well they were pulling a fast one.

I hate liars, cheats, and bullies.


One man's opinion: you're wrong, Sheppard.

Judge Judy is the best of all the "reality" court shows, which is, admittedly, a bit like being the prettiest Denny's waitress, but you'd have to agree with me.

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