Worlds Longest Trampoline - (170 Feet)

Youtube description (via Google Translate):- "Festival of landscape objects Archstoyanie 2012 in the village of Nikola-Sloth Kaluga region.
Art object trampoline length 51 meters of Estonian architects"

I went to a summer camp when I was a kid and they had these, trampoline- in-the-ground type units. they had about a dozen of them. Not as big as this but all set up in a 2x6 grid and you could jump from one to the other.

You just had to be careful not to hit the solid ground in between them as they were spaced apart and weren't intended to be jumped between. But that never stopped us kids from trying (and succeeding)


*promote the community, promote the activity, promote the joy!

[Please fix this promote thing quickly. I see a vid I think is stellar, but how to promote? Open a new window, click on the oldest vid in the promote section, scroll down, looking for the promote and how long it has been, make a decision -- do I push this vid off the promote stack?

This is deeply annoying as a seasoned Sifter. How the bloody hell is a casual person going to figure out this out?]

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