While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Original Acoustic Version

It's strange to hear this without Clapton's guitar, but it is calming and poignant. Lots of great old clips of George. Might make you weep yourself.

From Wikipedia:

While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is a rock song by The Beatles from the double album The Beatles (also known as The White Album).

It was written by George Harrison, who originally performed it with a solo acoustic guitar and an organ; a demo version, longer than the officially released version, can be heard on the Anthology 3 album and in reworked form on the Love album. Eric Clapton played lead guitar on the album version of the song with a Gibson Les Paul guitar. On The Concert for Bangladesh, he performed it on a Gibson Byrdland guitar, and later acknowledged that a solid-body guitar would have been more appropriate.

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