When a rhino wants belly rubs, you give it belly rubs

While out filming wildlife somewhere in South Africa, cinematographer Garth De Bruno Austin was a approached by a friendly wild rhino who requested a yummy tummy rub. Austin immediately complied, quickly understanding that a request from such a large animal is really more of a demand. While Austin may have been surprised that the rhino approached him in such a way, he wisely pointed out that because he has been filming the animal for years, she was familiar with him and did not feel threatened.

…I have been lucky enough to film this rhino for quite a few years and because of that have built up a level of TRUST. DO NOT try and do this with a truly ‘WILD’ rhino as it may end up with you being dead! FYI – I did not approach this animal, it was completely her decision to let me come into her personal space and touch her.

Not sure about where you're going with the second possibility, but I would assume the first anyway. Smartest thing anyone has ever done, what with the TRUE cunts shooting them in the middle of FUCKING ZOOS now.



I'm hoping the horn has been trimmed to deter anyone killing the beautiful thing. Or one of those born with small horns due to cunt-assisted selective breeding.

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