"What's in Your Mouth" - British TV exposé on mercury fillings.
In this programme, Morland Sanders meets some medical professionals who believe that amalgam fillings should be banned or that patients should at least be informed and given a choice as to what filling material is used. He questions the British Dental Association and the chief dental officer for England on why they have stuck by their position that mercury amalgam fillings are safe. And he meets the patients who believe their health has markedly improved since they've banned the metal from their mouth.
http://www.itv.com/PressCentre/Tonight/Ep12WhatsInYourMouthWk08/default.html for info about the lawsuit the FDA lost, when trying to assert mercury amalgams were safe please visit.
siftbotThis video has been flagged as being at least 10 minutes in length - declared long by Zonbie.
SagemindPop-up script error - can't watch this video using Fireox:
Error #2044: Unhandled skinError:. text=[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2035: URL Not Found. URL: SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf"]
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ok - either you're making a ridiculous geek joke, or that has got to be the funniest coincidence ever.
qruelanyone have any suggestions as to how i can fix this ?
MarieFlowersIt is a 30 minute British television program. If people can't listen long enough to learn how to avoid being poisoned by their dentists, then they may end up being poisoned.
Contact DAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions, http://www.amalgam.org for a list of dentists who have the equipment and know how to safely remove mercury fillings without poisoning the patient. Removing amalgam fillings is very dangerous, so one should to their research and proceed with caution. Do not let a mercury free dentist remove your fillings if he has not been trained and is not following the protocols of holistic dental organizations like the IAOMT. http://www.iaomt.org. Not all mercury free dentists are mercury safe dentists!
DAMS will send you an information packet and teach you what precautions you should insist on if you are thinking of removing amalgam fillings.
Check out my website for stories of people poisoned from mercury fillings, how to find a safe dentist and the cover up by the American Dental Association. You can also see testimonies of people poisoned, scientists, doctors, dentists and dental assistants who testified at FDA hearings in 2006. We testified as to how mercury fillings and mercury exposure caused us to have neurological diseases.
You can see Karen Palmer's testimony before the FDA at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnuFKCWzxqA
Karen was a dental assistant who was poisoned by her own fillings and being exposed to vapor in the dental office.
Marie Flowers
DAMS Coordinator in Virginia, USA
berniew1For those with several mercury amalgam fillings, dental amalgam is documented to be the largest source of mercury in most people, by far, by medical lab tests and Gov't agencies: www.flcv.com/damspr1.html
Mercury from amalgams is documented to be a cause or significant factor in over 30 chronic health conditions, including MS, Lupus, Thyroiditis, Depression, etc.
For many of these conditions, there is documentation that most recover or significantly improve after amalgam replacement. See prev. URL
B. Windham
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