What really happens if you take off your helmet in space?

So you attempted mutiny on Galactica..

>> ^Thumper:

I'm guessing that while your venting your fluids and air out these things would freeze. So I imagine you would see long chaotic shards of ice jolting out of those areas.

No, the liquids would boil off, so you might see an ice fog, but no icicles.

He begins with the assumption that you're out in cold space. If you're close to the sun you would encounter radiation from the solar wind and heat up instead of cool down (on the side facing the sun, that is).


I think he said the math works. That is, if you assert that cold is an energy that transfers to hotter objects, the math works just as well as if you propose that heat is an energy. Somehow we know through other means that heat is the energy, not cold.>> ^dannym3141:

In what way, especially through maths and physics, is it reasonable to say the cold transfers into your warm hand? It's counter to the most basic principle of what heat is.

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