West Wing - Vinick Religion Speech


I love little West Wing clips like these, but it was such a liberal fantasy wasn't it?

Politics just doesn't work like that, sadly. People standing on genuinely high principle at the expense of their own political gain...


It is a bit of a liberal fantasy isn't it. my cynical ears shot up like spock, that would never happen at the minimum wage amendment. *promote >> ^kymbos:

I love little West Wing clips like these, but it was such a liberal fantasy wasn't it?
Politics just doesn't work like that, sadly. People standing on genuinely high principle at the expense of their own political gain...


A Republican presidental candidate says a) he's gonna raise the debt ceiling, b) will vote for a minimum wage increase, c) disavows a socially conservative priest, and d) suggests that the Constitution might've wanted a separation of church and state.

At the time this aired it was really only the last part that required some suspension of disbelief. Now though, every part of that would get you kicked out of the Republican party.

Kinda scary just how much crazier they've gotten in the last decade...


Tags for this video have been changed from 'West Wing, Religion, Arnold Vinick, Separation of Church and State' to 'West Wing, Religion, Arnold Vinick, Separation of Church and State, Alan Alda' - edited by littledragon_79

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