Welcoming the Troops home. One Man, Thousands of Troops

A vetran named Burt Brady has been going to the airport every day for the last year to welcome home troops from war. This is a notch up from slapping a yellow magnet on your car.

what's wrong Q...OCD not yer cuppa T?...hate the media too, m'self-... The person of the week??... always really some homeless guy-well, guess they all followed the leader, most made their decisions like we all do, for the all mighty $$$, regardless of the cost-The enemy is inside, outside, everywhere-Satan ain't got a chance with the ilk we got prone and sucking the fear-teat....these menbots and womenbots need all the support they can get, regardless of sentiments...do the same for yourself?? Babylons' a bitch, huh?


Several notches above slapping a yellow ribbon on your car. Very good post. Brought tears to mah eyes.

Where's all the upvote love, you Nazis? Someone with a PP promote this already would ya!


hell man, can you blame Jersey??? Don't expect any fundamental human niceties from Jersey....seems that most of the folks that would hold responsible a soldier for their decision to join the US army, don't know the nature of the machine anyhow and live in fantastic tunnel reality paradigms that have nothing to do with the world of the now-We have always (the masses) had the power to end the bullshit, but most would no more share in the responsibility of the sorry state of world affairs than settle for anything but full cream in their lattes....

Stop the machine for a week by non-participation in commerce, transportation, credit, etc, then follow it up with a unified protest and demands....this is the only thing that has a hope for change-

A good few years of extreme natural disaster would accomplish much as well.....a bit of world panic from without would have a great effect on the collective psyche, and usually tends to bring out the best and the worst in monkeys-wees way overdue for some real change....How about we launch Obama from a catapult???

Of course....some might argue that the flip-side of the current paradigm's machine with all it's inequality, greed, and warmongering, is that it got us here, past the industrial rev, past atomic energy, at the doorstep of nanotech and beyond.....

Human nature being what it predictably bees, it will all end quite horribly is this man's guess.....


Lurch did people really have a go at you on coming home? Thats pretty low I have to say.
Must have been awful for the guys coming home from places like Korea and Vietnam and not getting any kind of recognition or thanks.


This is heartwarming. I'm showing my kids this. No matter what country you're in or what your politics are.... you should thank the men and women that put themselves on the line in your place.

This weekend my boy's cub scout pack is helping veterans decorate graves at the local memorial cemetery. Memorial Day is coming up. The public schools sure aren't going to be taking kids to do this.


Moodonia, I was kindof surprised. It was even funny to me in a way. In Dallas, I passed through the airport seeing people just like this of all ages shaking hands and hugging soldiers as we connected flights. Even random people in the airport would shake my hand or have a kind word to say. When my leave was over and I was waiting for a flight in Newark airport, people approached me to call me all kinds of names. I got lots of dirty looks and middle fingers as well. Not everyone there was nasty, but it was the first time I encountered this kindof reaction. All I could do was laugh. I don't know what other reaction there is to that, and it just made them even more irate. I can only imagine how that would have affected soldiers and marines from past wars who were only welcomed by insults.

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