Wearing contact lenses? Beware of parasites!

This is very rare, but can happen.

YouTube: The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute is offering a word of caution for the nation's 30 million contact lens wearers.

I wear dailies as of this year. I switched eye doctors, and when my new doctor heard I was wearing two week ones, I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

I love wearing these now. Wear them once and throw them away. Never have to worry about cleaning solution and all that crap.


>> ^Stingray:
I wear dailies as of this year. I switched eye doctors, and when my new doctor heard I was wearing two week ones, I thought he was going to have a heart attack.
I love wearing these now. Wear them once and throw them away. Never have to worry about cleaning solution and all that crap.

I use ones you can keep wearing for 30days straight, although I do take them off for one night a week. I really hate the hassle of removing and putting lenses back on daily, plus daily lenses here in Finland would cost around double/triple of what I'm paying for these ones. These work very well, at least for me and I think I won't have to worry about tropical parasites just yet, give the global warming a few decades, maybe then =)


My eye doctor told me that one-month lenses and one-year ones are pretty much the same thing and you could easily use the monthly ones for a year if you take them out every night and put them in some lens solution. Been heeding his advice for a couple of years now.


I don't use any and use glasses. I am mostly on my computer so I don't need them. Only for far away things like classrooms, movies, etc.

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