Waste to Fuel becomes Reality 2007 ?

This video shows in High quality the process Green Power Inc developed to have a complete system converting Waste into high quality Fuel without negative impact on the Environment

maybe the glass of wine i just had took me hard, but..

is it me, or was there absolutely no tangible content in that video whatsoever? i admit i watched it to half way and then turned it off, because my alcohol-heightened senses informed me that i had spent 4-5 minutes listening to a guy with a voiceover-voice tell me that "the liquid goes through the cyclic phlange and then into a reverse modulator psychotrope, after being distillerated by the heliocentric liquification fluid, it gets turned into a compound known as dodecahedrionic-superfragrant-biomassical-enhancetrope, which we can then use in the .........."

i didn't get anything from this video other than some dudes think they've come up with a way of turning landfill waste into fuel by the use of a machine

i'm going to assume that the machine needs fuel to run.. so i won't ask what sort of fuel it uses, because that's either going to be an embarassing shuffling of feet, or another dose of technojargon that doesn't actually say anything

someone please explain something of value that can be taken from this video? have we got a good source of energy from landfill sites? CAN IT BE SHOWN AND/OR PROVEN?


I'm calling BS on this one too. None of those "inventors" are even 1% as excited as any of the real inventors I know. And as danny says above, the entire video is filled with technobabble that says nothing.

Besides which, I just can't believe that the incredibly complex mixture of compounds found in garbage could be "cracked" by one catalytic chamber and then distilled into pure diesel oil.

So if these guys are looking for investors, they can count me out.

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