Was Manny Pacquiao Really Robbed?

I watched this fight and was absolutely positive Pacquiao was robbed. Then I saw this video... and now I'm not so sure. I would really like to re-watch this fight with the sound off. I never considered it before, but seems very possible to me now that the play-by-play commentators really influenced my perception of the fight and what I actually "saw".

So does Pacquiao ever really hit him, I'd guess one in 12 swings seem to hit or graze but no real solid hits. I'd give him props for stamina but not for hits.


You participate in a sport which has human judges...you're gonna get screwed one day. Play a sport with points, so at least the humans will screw you in other ways like fouls and the like. Or you could just stop whining about the whole thing and accept the human condition.

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