Vox: Is it time to worry about bird flu?

"A practical guide to your bird flu fears.

In 2021, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, avian flu began aggressively circulating in wildlife. Dead and sick birds began showing up on shorelines. Poultry farms were forced to cull millions of animals, often in horrific ways, to help stop the spread. Egg prices skyrocketed. Farmers lost millions of dollars. The problem doesn’t stop with birds; avian flu has also been found in a wide range of mammals. More than 24,000 sea lions in South America have reportedly died from it. Then, on January 6, 2025, the US reported the first human death. It’s an alarming development, but fortunately an outlier. The truth is avian flu still poses little threat to humans. But if we’re not worried now, when should we be? ..."

I don’t know about bird flu, but I had the flu last week and it was much worse than Covid for us.

Bird flu is transferred to cattle and pets….and has been found in milk and meat. It is beyond time to worry, especially since our pandemic response team has been fired….again…just like it was before Covid (by the same person who learned nothing).
The FDA and CDC are run by a man with severe brain damage both from decades of heroin abuse and brain worms eating a significant portion of his brain (although to eat the rotting road kill and get brain worms, he had to have serious brain damage already)…he doesn’t believe in vaccinations and seems to believe the best thing is full epidemic and let whoever dies die.
With Medicare and Medicaid in limbo at best, hospitals are already struggling to stay open, just wait until they are chocked full of patients but few if any staff. Its coming.

Buy PPE now while you can. N95 masks are already gone from shelves here, so is hand sanitizer. Things will get weird, and there will be no public health warnings telling you it is happening. They have been banned outright.


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