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siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012 11:12am PST - promote requested by geo321.
spoco2says...That was really awesome. Not being a diver, how hard is it to be upside down like that?
sepatownsays...are you allowed to be picky about the acting skills of an upside-down, ice-fishing scuba diver? if so; i am.
gharksays...bloody amazing! The balloon floating away sealed the deal for me.
Contagion21says...It's not toodifficult to be upside down like that with a dry suit. When you're first learning to dive with a dry suit it's actually a bit difficult to master NOT doing that. Any excess air within the suit will tend to bubble up to the highest point of the suit, so if you just tilt a little, the air will go to your feet, and turn you vertical.
That would USUALLY be fairly bad technique unless you were intentially trying to keep your fins away from the bottom while you were looking at something or gathering something, etc. It's more difficult to control your buoyancy and assecnt/descent rate, but since they're just bumping against the ice, that's a non-factor.
All that said, it's probably pretty difficult to make it LOOK normal while upside down performing all those actions.
juliovega914says...I wanted him to throw out a line and catch a squirrel or something.
legacy0100says...Pretty friggin' cool dude.
heathensays...Love the close-up of the wheelbarrow full of air at 1:03, looks like mercury.
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