Underground Video Of Tyranny In China


...i just replaced China name with my country's as the commentary droned on, and saw one of the many happy scenarirooios, being played out, all over the third,er,,. whole world.....wes' all innit together, innit??


I had a friend go to China last year and all the thing that always came to mind afterwards when asked about it was they would always say: "God bless America"

Funny thing is when they were traveling as a student group and their was a list, A LIST of things they waeren't allowed to talk about while they were there, not even talk about. I could go on but it gets me real mad to think how much is taken for granted here in America the personal freedoms we have.


A relative of mine just came back from China, and every story would indirectly comment on how the rich are filthy rich and the rest are crushingly poor (bizarro-communism?). He also had a bad cough from the polluted air, and this was after he spent most of his time outside of the major cities.

Its hard to imagine 1.3 billion people.

(the wall street journal had a large article Wednesday on how 'a rising tide is not lifting all boats' in China, and the trickle-down effect is especially innefective in rural areas)

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