Trump Enters The Super Bowl To Boos And “Traitor”

I’ve seen the right’s videos of a half dozen people booing Taylor Swift everywhere today, but for some reason they don’t pair it with this video of the felon being called a traitor to his face.

Reports say we, the taxpayers, paid between $18 and $20 million dollars for this fiasco, just so little Donny could get in on the big show and not be ignored all day (which obviously turned out terribly)….but there’s not a dime left for children’s cancer trials already underway…sorry kids, you’re going to die.

Where’s doge? Why hasn’t Donny been put on permanent leave, or offered a buyout to go home? That’s definitely serious “waste and fraud”, especially since he’s also spent $10 million tax dollars golfing already….on track for over $170 million this year on golf alone and going up.


Moving this video to newtboy's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.

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