He’s one of rock music’s greatest ever frontmen. Welcome to Watchmojo.com and today we’ll be counting down the top 10 Freddie Mercury moments. As leader of the legendary act Queen, Mercury’s career was a one heck of a wild ride involving Saturday Night Live, David Bowie, his girlfriend Mary Austin, acclaimed singer Montserrat Caballe and even the 2012 summer olympics.

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00:40 #10: 2012 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony
01:53 #9: Leaving (Almost) Everything to Former Girlfriend Mary Austin
02:50 #8: “Barcelona” - His Duet with Montserrat Caballé
04:14 #7: Queen’s “Saturday Night Live” Appearance
05:29 #6: The Great Pretender”
07:00 #5: Piggybacking Darth Vader
07:58 #4: “Under Pressure” - Queen & David Bowie
09:10 #3, #2 & #1: ????

From http://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/board.pl?action=viewthread&boardid=1&threadid=194631.

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