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Tim Shoots His Thumb Off on Doomsday Preppers Shooting

So I discovered this series and I have been watching it on youtube. I really like this show. Most of the people are nutzso (80%) and it is quite entertaining with all its craziness (this clip being a prime example.. poor guy).

Surprisingly, I did actually learn some useful stuff such as how to preserve eggs for months of time using mineral oil and how to preserve cheese for years and a cool use for nitrogen.

I def don't qualify as prepper but I do keep stuff on hand to last about a couple weeks - but that's for snow storms and hurricanes type stuff... not the end of world type deal stuff.

Btw, not good idea to ever put any part if your body in front of a barrel.

Missfire. yeah. umhumm. Sounds like somebody had hand creep during a rapid two hand draw and hold.

Which is more likely?:
A) You and your family survive the impending apocalypse thanks to your trusty gun.
B) You accidentally shoot your thumb off (or kill your kid) while fantasizing about life in an action movie.

Thank you for answering that question on film.

I know several people that have been involved in gun accidents (including one death). I know two people that have bought weapons only to have them stolen by criminals. I don't know anyone who has ever used a gun in self defense (excepting warfare).
Your false sense of security and your 'bang bang' playtime are not worth the risk they bring to you, me, and the people we love.


The most important thing to have when it hits the fan is a community. No family is going to do well without the help and support of their community no matter how many guns and bullets you have. Gun ownership in America is over 40% I think (or close to that) - so EVERYONE is going to be packing in bad times. Its going to be about trust and community - that's where the true power of defense is going to be.

Guns (and cars) are very unforgiving, you have to have proper training and a uncompromising level of safety when you have them out.

The family in this clip had no business firing those guns - especially the kids - (I saw numerous safety violations) and if you watch several of the other episodes you get to see some pretty horrendous gun handling that would make anyone cringe (def a safety hazard).

That being said, I personally have pulled a gun twice in self defense (once in uniform) and once as a civilian. I would probably not be here now if I had not been carrying.

I don't want to be labelled pro-gun as I see both sides of the issue, and I also have fear of the "idiots" out there, including the ones driving big ass pickup trucks tailgating me inches away while I am driving my entire family.

Idiots are a danger with or without a gun.

Stupidity kills.


shit.. Make that two deaths (seriously, two days after posting my other comment). A friend of a friend, a police officer, just shot himself while cleaning his weapon...
..and no need for comments about how that should never happen if a person is well trained.
I know it shouldn't. it still does.

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