This Is What an Underwater Pipe Organ Sounds Like

Steve Mann, a professor and instrument designer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. Some call him the world's first cyborg. When he's not fighting for you cyborg rights, Mann uses an unlikely pairing of brainwaves and compressed hydraulic fluids to rethink how to create sound.

Back in 2010, Mann, who also founded the Wearable Computers Group at MIT's Media Lab, invited us to his Toronto studio to hear about some of his past inventions, and also check out his underwater pipe organ. It's a highly-tactile, mellifluous instrument that Mann hopes will offer a new method for the deaf and blind to create music. He calls it the Hydraulophone.

I'm a little disappointed. This thing really just uses water as the trigger for electronic music, the water doesn't vibrate on it's own like air in a normal instrument, which is what I expected from an 'under water organ'. This was just a water organ, and barely that in my eyes.


That's kind of the impression of the guy overall.
I dig what he does, but he takes it so far that you just want him to go play in a freeway. This is the same guy who was detained by airport security in 2002 for his "enhancements", and made such a huge stink about it he looked like a fool.

This is coming from someone who thinks airport security is essentially the Wests version of terrorists and cultural trash. In all fairness to him, I give no slack to the security industry and the practices they pursue (to this day), but in the last 10+ years "unimpressed" is essentially what sums up his work and talk.


I'm a little disappointed.... This was just a water organ, and barely that in my eyes.

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