The War in Iraq (Creature Comforts with new politician speeches) claymation from Wallace and Gromit studio?


I think I've got most of the voices figured...

Fly: W, natch
Spider: Britney Spears -LOL
Jackass: Blair?
Pig: Richard Clarke
Hound: Rummie
Fox: Colin Powell- the last honourable member of the W administration
Arabic Dog: ?
Pigeon: Condi?

Anyone else make 'em out differently? Can anyone tell us who the Arabic-speaking fellow is?


Think I know what happened with the missing button.

I submitted the video, wasn't happy with the title, so at the confirmation stage, I clicked "Edit". I believe that put the movie in limbo.

Recommend changing the Edit button's page 2 behavior by returning user to page 1 (with the form prepopulated).

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