The Video Shell Doesn't Want You to See

For over thirteen years, multinational oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has done everything in its power to stop a trial from taking place at which the company must answer to charges that it colluded with the Nigerian military to commit serious human rights abuses to quell peaceful resistance to its operations in the Niger Delta region called Ogoni, including conspiring to bring about the conviction and execution of Ogoni leader Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight of his colleagues.

This will be a land mark trial. It will show if it is possible to prosecute a company in a country with higher standards (environment / human rights / etc) then in the country where the act was committed. If Shell looses, this will have huge impact on the world as we know it. For instance, this could mean GM can be prosecuted for bad labor conditions in China compared to US law even if the Chinese factory is legal compared to local Chinese laws. (A hypothetical example, not based on any known truth)

This is a good thing, since it means companies will have to work to the laws of the strictest country they work in, instantly creating better conditions for workers and the environment everywhere. Adversaries will say this will destroy competition, since foreign companies will have a serious disadvantage in cost if they need to upgrade factories to Western standards, destroying opportunities and economic progress in those countries. In general it will make it harder to do business with less developed countries, but it might push for a better world in general.

This movie is a little biased against Shell though. It will be difficult for them to prove Shell was truly involved. The Nigerian government is the true culprit, taking most of the money from oil (more then all the oil companies) and committing all of the crimes.

Lets hope something good will come of this.

(Disclaimer: Even though I have never worked for Shell or any oil company I am Dutch)


Shell settles Nigeria deaths case

Royal Dutch Shell has agreed to pay $15.5m to settle a lawsuit which accused the oil firm of complicity in rights abuses in Nigeria.

The case, due for trial in the US next week, was brought by relatives of a group of anti-Shell activists executed in 1995 by Nigeria's military rulers.

The families say Shell helped the government to punish the campaigners.

But the company insists it did nothing wrong and said the payment was part of a "process of reconciliation".

Shell official Malcolm Brinded said: "This gesture also acknowledges that, even though Shell had no part in the violence that took place, the plaintiffs and others have suffered."

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I can understand why the families accepted the settlement, but I am a bit disappointed because now Shell doesn't have to admit guilt and no legal precedent is set.

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