The Simpsons on Iraq


Thanks for the headsup so I don't have to try to load this flap o' crap . Futurama has always seemed better than most Simpsons episode (except the first and second season and all Treehouse of horrors)and I would rather watch Lila instead of Mardge anyday . Although the aliens on Simps are always bringing in a cool factor ....Still futurama rocks while the Simps are pop...


2 years ago, it'd be really funny.. I think the Simpsons and other satire shows have been acting cowardly the last 6 years, everybody realizes how stupid the Iraq invasion was by now, the key to good satire is to tell the people the truth when they need it.


....whats a republian...

so...theo??? What is one of the signs of true intellect??? By the way intelligence is HIGHLY is the good ol' boys club called Yale....unless the idea du universidad is some holy temple

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