The Molecular Shape of You (Ed Sheeran Parody)

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I'm in love with your bonding orbitals.

Erratum: I totally got the uncertainty principle the wrong way around. Yikes!


A dot isn't the best way to try to sum up how electrons come and go
They are the states of a matter field that follows and equation that Dirac wrote
The Schrodinger part of the whole equation will just lead
In sub-c when it expands
Now get that Coulomb and add it in with a proton
And watch them start to dance
As hydrogen it's like

"Oh proton I feel your tug
Central potential dip down pulling on me
But I'm not falling in deep
No that would break uncertainty"

"Say oh
Electrons move too much
Slow down your pace and put that orbit on me
Come on now follow my lead
Come come on now follow my lead

Orbitals take the shape they do
As stable states of the quantum rules
And when a one approaches two
They combine and they're bonding
Thus hydrogen as a rule
Is found in nature as H2
Energy configuring a molecule
Diatomically bonding

Low high low high low high low high
Diatomically bonding (x3)

Energy cofiguring a molecule
When orbitals take the shape they do

1/2 spin'll give a lepton a twin
One up one down in the ground state
With S and P in quadruple degeneracy
The second shell can be filled up with eight
The higher angular powers spread out like beautiful flowers
In middle families they come into play
Well here's a carbon with 6e
This ain't nothing tricksy
But we're gonna make some methane today
With hydrogen it's like

"Oh atoms I feel your tug
Got my electrons bugged out pulling on me
Come on now settle round me
I'll hybridize to sp3"

"Say oh
Carbon here's touch
Spread out 109.47 degrees
Come on now follow our lead
Come come on now follow our lead"

Molecules take the shape they do
Combining states of the quantum rules
Like when a shell goes sp2
For sigma pi double bonding
And as widely as their purview
They spread out in the molecule
Look at benzene in a ring they hold it true
Aromatically bonding

Low high low high low high low high
Aromatically bonding (x3)

Look at benzene in a ring they hold it true
When orbitals take the shape they do

Come bond with me baby, come bond (x8)

Polymers take the shape they do
Combining base-level residues
Look they're hydrogen bonding!
Peptides make a chain and group
In beta pleat sheets and corkscrews
With these secondary links they fold and move
They're all over your body

Come bond with me baby, come bond (x6)

You're a chemical machine
It's best you knew
That molecules take the shape of you.

Copyright 2017 Tim Blais and A Capella Science
Original music by Ed Sheeran

That was impressive.
I don't know the original song but that was a brand new experience.

I was blown away with how he kept all the other sounds going in the corners.


You should check out his other songs. Most i'm guessing you will know. They are all amazingly well done. I'm surprised more people don't love his stuff. Here are my faves.


That was impressive.
I don't know the original song but that was a brand new experience.

I was blown away with how he kept all the other sounds going in the corners.


Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, June 16th, 2017 3:24pm PDT - doublepromote requested by eric3579.


Thanks dude I really enjoyed those.


You should check out his other songs. Most i'm guessing you will know. They are all amazingly well done. I'm surprised more people don't love his stuff. Here are my faves.

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