The Minecraft Song by Bobby Yarsulik

A fan made video for Bobby Yarsulik's (aka xSlay3rx) Minecraft Song

My world is created, it's different every time
I start inside a box, the world on the outside
The sun is going down soon, I better go inside
I cover up the door, so I can wait and hide.

The mine is so dark now, it's hard to even see,
The tunnel's getting black, im almost out of trees,
I go back for more coal, and find there's nothing left
But theres something in the dark, and I think it's after me.

CHORUS: Minecraft, im talkin bout Minecraft, talkin bout mine craft, talking bout minecraft X2

It's been all of night now, and I haven't heard a sound
I can't see outside, is there anyone around
I need to leave here soon, before it's night again
I open up the door, and the creeper is let in.


Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, October 16th, 2010 7:04am PDT - promote requested by original submitter RFlagg.

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