The Making of the 2010 Pirelli Calendar (nsfw)

The Pirelli calendar features erotic photography of some of the world's most beautiful women.

I get it. It's not porn when there is not a snowflake's chance in hell any one of our sorry asses could ever dream to score with one of the presented girls. Take note Brain. Your girls are just too accessible.


The photographer is so full of shit.

all this talk of energy and crap just makes him a tosser that talks like a retard to try and make his "art" have more value

Ill all ways respect sum-one that is just down to earth and ohnist. the photographer should be saying stuff like ,

"yah i love taking photographs of naked women because they look nice and its good fun "
"its grate using random objects as it makes things stand out a bit more from the normal"


LOL look at the calender the majority of the pictures chosen were really generic and boring. if u look at all the opportunities for fantastic shots in that video the end result is utter shit.

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