Vimeo Description:
"I refuse to live in a country like this. And I'm not leaving. We live in the richest country in the world. We all deserve a decent job, healthcare, a good education, a home to call our own. We all deserve FDR's dream. And it's a crime that we don't have it. And we never will, as long as we have a system that enriches the few at the expense of the many. Capitalism is an evil. And you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it, and replace it with something that's good for all people. And that something is called democracy. You know, I can't really do this anymore ... unless those of you who are watching this want to join me. I hope you will. And please -- speed it up." -- Michael Moore at the end of 'Capitalism: A Love Story'
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Anything else you want from the gov't?
I'll pass.
petpeevedsays...>> ^lantern53:
Anything else you want from the gov't?
I'll pass.
Reinstatement of Glass-Steagall would be a good start.
A bonus would be fewer simpleminded insinuations that all government regulation is a terrible thing.
lantern53says...What a self-righteous moron. Also, we live in a republic. In a democracy, three can vote to eliminate two.
Also, you need to slow up the Big Macs and walk farther than that tape will allow you.
Make a New Year's resolution! Read the Constitution, exercise more, irritate other people less.
thank you
snoozedoctorHe's got his $50 million. System seems to be working OK for him.
A10anis"Deserve" has got nothing to do with anything, We ALL think we deserve more. But I, for one, prefer the rich capitalist to the whingeing, lazy, ignorant sponger who contributes nothing, yet still believes he "deserves" everything. Certainly kerb the excesses of the abusers if it's needed. Certainly, help the needy who want to help themselves, but leave the individual to choose his own path without invasive government intervention. Capitalism per-se is, of course, not perfect but it is the only system i know of which allows free enterprise; A system where an idea can lead to great things (Gates,jobs, Branson, etc, etc, etc.). Alternatives have been, and are still being, tried. They give their people equal amounts of misery, intervention, control, and lack of freedom. If Moore doubts it, let him give away his wealth and go live in a state run country, he could start with North Korea.
westy>> ^A10anis:
"Deserve" has got nothing to do with anything, We ALL think we deserve more. But I, for one, prefer the rich capitalist to the whingeing, lazy, ignorant sponger who contributes nothing, yet still believes he "deserves" everything. Certainly kerb the excesses of the abusers if it's needed. Certainly, help the needy who want to help themselves, but leave the individual to choose his own path without invasive government intervention. Capitalism per-se is, of course, not perfect but it is the only system i know of which allows free enterprise; A system where an idea can lead to great things (Gates,jobs, Branson, etc, etc, etc.). Alternatives have been, and are still being, tried. They give their people equal amounts of misery, intervention, control, and lack of freedom. If Moore doubts it, let him give away his wealth and go live in a state run country, he could start with North Korea.
The point is Capitalism is only of use to a society if it is heavily held acantable for its actions and made to operate within very tight rules that are set by a democratic socialist government.
coolhundsays...Oh, capitalism is a good system. But if it isnt regulated properly, it is very susceptible to corruption and greed and thus exploitation.
Capitalism could be a very, very fair system, but there are simply already too many corrupted rich and powerful people at the controls of this system. So the best thing would be to start over from scratch.
lantern53says...Name the system you will start over with.
Also, capitalism and socialism are incompatible with each other. Capitalism means I work for myself, for my own self-interest.
Socialism means you work for the next guy. Why should I work for the next guy? When I've made my nest, and there is some left over, I choose to whom it goes....not the gov't.
coolhundsays...>> ^lantern53:
Name the system you will start over with.
Also, capitalism and socialism are incompatible with each other. Capitalism means I work for myself, for my own self-interest.
Socialism means you work for the next guy. Why should I work for the next guy? When I've made my nest, and there is some left over, I choose to whom it goes....not the gov't.
Well, a mix of many is better than to choose any extreme.
Capitalism and socialism are incompatible? Where did you learn that? Fox News?
If that was the case countries like Germany wouldnt have existed the way they are. And funnily, Germany right now is the backbone of Europe in this crisis. I ask you again, how can a small country like that using so many parts of socialism be financially that strong? Because capitalism and socialism dont work together, huh?
There isn't a single country in this world that is purely capitalist. Capitalism and socialism operate hand in hand in most (all?) first world countries, including the USA. Only an ignorant fool would declare them incompatible and hit the "submit new comment" button. I would normally take pity, understanding that you are simply regurgitating the shit you've been spoonfed, and try to help you understand your gross conceptual error. But, since you aren't paying me to educate you, that would just reek of Socialism. So, I guess you're on your own, Capitalist. Good luck.
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