The Economist: An apology is due to Barack Obama

Don't believe it? Read it and weep.


>> ^quantumushroom:
How The Hell Did GM Pay Back Its Loans "in Full And Ahead of Schedule"? Well, It Didn't.

How the hell is that a response to anything said by the Economist? Well, it isn't.

Right wing media rots your brains. You gave a great response for the fantasy Economist article that said "the government got all the money back already". Not to mention, you're operating on the false premise that it can't have been successful or good unless the net sum of transactions with GM is >$0.

Even so, your Reason-TV propaganda is out of date. Right now, it's expected that when the government sells its shares of GM stock, it will turn a profit on the bailout, plus you still haven't addressed that whole thing about saving an American icon and keeping hundreds of thousands of people employed, all the while making sure that the people at the top paid the price for their bad decisions (stockholders wiped out, upper management fired, etc.).


This is the second bail out for as far as investments go it is still the government investing in a perpetual looser. Perhaps GM wouldn't off needed a bail out if it acquired the assets of a company they ran out of business. So the horrible cycle continues. If you have a big enough company, you get government bail outs, if not, you get the shaft. If that isn't crapping on the little guy I don't know what is.


I'm always ready and willing to give BHO credit where he's due. The only good thing he's done is stop federal raids on marijuana dispensaries in California, and I'm not even sure if that's still the case.

You can admire this guy all you want, he's still an Empty Suit and has not delivered the goods, even to his fan base.

Even if this GM switcharoo worked (it did not) there's the matter of the failed scamulus.

The feds doesn't even count "jobs saved" anymore. Now they call it "lives touched."

November 2nd.

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