The Curious Case of Brad Pitt

n "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button," high-tech special effects played a hefty role in transforming Brad Pitt from an elderly man to an infant. Pitt gives an exclusive look behind the scenes.

I wonder how much legal paperwork was drafted concerning the terms of use of Brad Pitt's digitized complete range of facial expressions. They could make different movies, commercials, etc. without him and save huge $$$.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Wow, digital effects are moving ahead so quickly. Soon actors will just license their library for everything, and maybe just do the voice over - or maybe not even that.


LOL downvote my comment... yes... for that I'll tell you if you go to and sign up for $10/12 a month, download "newsleecher" (or get the free copy with a giganews subscription) and then use to search for anything, click on it to get the NZB file and newsleecher will grab it

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