Sustainability | David Mitchell's Soapbox

David Mitchell discusses sustainability, and whether or not there is a way of combatting wastefulness and planned obsolescence. From tables to fuel, could a subscription fee perhaps be a viable solutions.

Remember carbon offsetting? Plant trees instead of actually reducing your emissions to meet caps. You could even sell any reductions under your caps to other companies. Travellers could offset the CO2 emissions of a flight. Ofc, only about 30$ of the money actually went to offsetting CO2 emissions and its questionable how well you can actually get CO2 out of the air so it just gave companies an excuse to be dirty. Occasionally it actually more profitable to emit more C02 and simply offset it later, or be particularly polluting one year so that your base CO2 emission was artificially high so that you could really cash in next year.

Not that I'm saying his ideas are bad, its just that market forces often manipulate things in ways you don't expect.

Oh well, our energy addicted civilisation will burn out eventually and then we'll have to learn to live sustainably.

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