Ron Paul VS Barack Obama 2012

Stop Voting For Liars!

If today's politicians were in power during the late 60s the Vietnam war would still be going on!, seriously these new wars are just as winnable as that one, the saddest part however is that in the 60s there was alittle something called the anti-war movement but today it seems almost non-existent because as George Carlin put it, "everyone's too busy at the mall buying sneaker's with lights in them".


Its so strange that the moment Osama Bin Laden was killed we didn't just declare victory and leave, after all that was the original mission, however it got muddled with the later quagmire of stabilizing countries that we invade and starting democracies from the top-down rather than any grass-roots actively.

the profound mistake of any new healthcare plan that still enables a seat at the table for the middle-men profiteers of a system that willingly and complacently deny healthcare services to individuals in their time of need should never be allowed nor tolerated by the American people and should be done away with for single-payer that is not dependent on profit when it comes to people's health (after all its done that way successfully in most other countries, are they all wrong?).

one element that wasn't put forward in this video is the law that enables corporations to have the same freedom of speech rights as people, and makes it possible for them to donate as much money as they want to political campaigns and influence the results. so if lobbyists are to ever by stomped out this law is fundamentally important to 'change the game playing'.


>> ^dingens:
Stop Voting For Liars!
So, you're suggesting to stop voting for any politician?

No. We have created this problem because NICE GUYS FINISH LAST. Why blame the player when we have set up the game purposefully against them? Like a football game that everyone does steriods, except those honest guys who lose.

Who runs to lose? And what good does that do? So far I have seen rare ones who tell the truth and I lean towards Paul on this one. He says things that may be wrong (Disable most federal programs) but he says things that slice off his own foot--I.e. HONESTY. (Like, call back the troops, Iran is not a threat, stop corporate welfare...)


I agree, the system favors the douche bags. But I just wonder what makes Ron Paul so different? I don't follow us politics closely, but I remember a certain candidate 4 years ago running a campaign of "change", also saying things like "call back the troops", "close Gitmo", etc. He also was perceived as honest and different.
Look how well this turned out.

Well, concerning politicians I'm just a cynic.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^dingens:
Stop Voting For Liars!
So, you're suggesting to stop voting for any politician?

No. We have created this problem because NICE GUYS FINISH LAST. Why blame the player when we have set up the game purposefully against them? Like a football game that everyone does steriods, except those honest guys who lose.
Who runs to lose? And what good does that do? So far I have seen rare ones who tell the truth and I lean towards Paul on this one. He says things that may be wrong (Disable most federal programs) but he says things that slice off his own foot--I.e. HONESTY. (Like, call back the troops, Iran is not a threat, stop corporate welfare...)


I was under the impression - although I'm not an American - that Ron Paul was essentially unelectable, or at least it was very unlikely... and that his primary function within politics was to shake it up a bit, stimulate debate, oppose the bullshit and serve as a figurehead for those more interested in the truth than political tribalism.

It doesn't really matter, then, that he's a bit of a nut on a few issues, because him becoming president isn't the idea. It's him as an idea that's the point; the hope of having an impact on the political landscape and being part of a process of designing a better future by fulfilling a necessary - and highly important - role.

But I could be completely fucking off about all of that. Either way, good luck dude, American politics are FUBAR.

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