"Stand By Your Man" - (Banned Guinness Commercial, 1995)

Tony Kaye (director of this commercial) went on to even more controversy when he made "American History X" with Edward Norton 3 years later.



I believe it is referring to the first statement about men and women not living together because they are so different, which people would be nodding their heads at, but yet they show the situation where two men live together in a relationship and they are slobs - which doesn't make a huge amount of sense because women are in general a lot cleaner than men, partially invalidating the first statement, and gay men are also in general a lot cleaner than your typical heterosexual men (at least all my gay friends are), partially invalidating the male relationship premise. Or I might be reading too much into it...


Yes, very good, but I'm not sure what to make of the final caption though. "Not everything in black and white makes sense"? What about this doesn't make sense? Looks like a typical day at my house.

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