Silverchair - Israel's Son

"Hate is what I feel for you
and I want you to know that I want you dead.

You're late for the execution
if you're not here soon, I'll kill your friend instead."

This song got me through middle school.

From wikipedia:
It was the third single released from their debut full-length album, Frogstomp, which was released in 1995, as was "Israel's Son". It was also released on their The Best of Volume 1.

It is the only Frogstomp song still played live by the band. The song is now taken half a step down, likely to compensate for Daniel Johns' changing vocals.

*sigh* Come on, people who won't admit to liking George Michael will still sift him up, but there's no love for some Aussies who fuckin ROCK.

I guess I'll have to keep *beg ing until enough cool people see it...


>> ^spoco2:
Silverchair deserve the sift, but they also deserve far better quality audio, that was not listenable.

Agreed. If you find a better quality one, please, please, please update this video. The song is too fucking awesome not to.

This is a song that I wanna blast!


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