Note: the Church claims that the OT VIII documents are forgeries. This has for some time been the official CoS-statement; probably because OT8 includes some very strange theories about Jesus and many real churches were outraged because of it.
Because of this fragment OT8 has become known as the "Jesus is a pedophile"-OT. Until recently, CoS was adamant that OT8 was a forgery.
Until recently. When Arnaldo Lerma's house was raided by CoS, they took his computer. Under the writ of seizure, they were allowed only to identify files that were copyrighted bij CoS / RTC. A CoS lawyer - Kendrick Moxon, expert attorney and a senior OT - was asked to supervise this, and guess what: he identified OT8 as an RTC copyright and therefore, as a church scripture.
joedirtIf you have about $500,000 and many years of your life, you too can reach the OT level and see for yourself.
smibboi am confused. when did the narration/prologue stop and the CoS document begin?
qbertsays...You're probably just confused because you haven't reached level VIII yet. Hang in there. We CAN make a difference. People are counting on us.
JohnnyMackerssays...@ Qbert: lolwut? Are you a real Scientologist, or did I just not get the joke..?
I hope it's the former, having a pet Scientologist on the 'Sift would make things more amusing.
qbertsays...If you continue to question the truth we will send you back to inpatient.
JohnnyMackerssays...Blast, I knew you were just trolling
qbertsays...I'm not trolling. I'm so sick of how dismissive you people are! Pick up a book, OK? Just one time pick up a book and open your eyes.
joedirtAll Hail Xeenu! (copyright that you evil corporation).
We have a very narrow moment in human history where can get everyone Clear. Please, just admit that LRH knows more about Jesus than you do, and everyone has to send all their money to Corp of Scientomogy. Please do it for Xeenu. He is trapped in a mountain and needs your help. Free the OT9!
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