Saturn 3 Trailer

This was some pretty scary stuff when I was a kid

Youtube: "Saturn 3" is a super cheesy post-"Alien" sci-fi flick that enjoyed about ten minutes' fame in the Eighties due to the fact that in one scene Farrah Fawcett's left nipple is fully exposed for approximately 1.271 seconds. The psychotic robot is pretty much fucking undeniably cool, though. Harvey Keitel's voice was overdubbed prior to release due to the producers' nervousness about his heavy "Brooklynese" accent. A minor camp classic. I will always love you, "Saturn 3"...(sniffle)...

Wow... that trailer/movie looks all kinds of awesome.

1. The artwork of Saturn/rings is actually beautiful even by today's standards.
2. Cast of pure awesome
3. Farah's costume at the beginning there? Awesome
4. I love the parallel to 2001 and the idea people had back then that technology would get closer and closer to "perfect." It is really amusing that technology got worse and worse in terms of reliability, where these days computers can't exist without constant updates, fixes, etc. and barely have a life-span of a few years...

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