Ron Paul against Federal Regulations and Minimum Wage

"Getting rid of minimum wage helps the poor" Mhmm.
Air traffic safety/ Drug safety: "Regulation of the marketplace will take care of it" Mhmm.
Well the Chinese have few/lax regulations and an open intranational market and their products never poison people; OH WAIT.

The state of Texas shouldn't be forced to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants... says a man who had to take the Hippocratic Oath.

free markets are like Utopia's... they sound nice in theory, but don't exist
large corporations that have money to burn kill things like competition and create monopolies... and when have monopolies ever been good for people?

sure I'd like to not support company A because I don't agree with their business practices, but there's no competition because they all get bought out or leveraged out... hmmmmm

free market working as intended

hmmm... this product turned out to be have a contaminated batch, and ends up harming X number of people... even if all the people grouped up and combined resources, they don't have the money to fight the case the corporation does... what do you think the outcome will be?

free market working as intended

why do the corporations, and banks want less regulation? we are to assume the pursuit of profit somehow falls completely inline with the priorities of the consumer/citizen? don't be f'ing NAIVE...

take speculation on food commodities and how it's exacerbating hunger in 3rd world nations... people are literally starving because they can't afford rice/grain... because people with wealth want to get their cut...

it'd be nice to think market forces would control things (how many people should starve before the market corrects itself?)

it'd be nice to think corporations/banks are actually humane, caring institutions

why will a person who leans to the right denounce Communism? because it doesn't work, because greed and power will corrupt it... why is their this zeal like belief that regarding a Free Market, greed and power won't corrupt it?

i used to like Ron Paul... his comments around 13mins makes me realize how completely out of touch he is with the way the world really works... and he considers himself part of an "in the know" group while the rest of us are unenlightened

regulations are there to prevent abuse... to protect the little guy from the big guy... without them, the big guy NEVER changes, and they dictate how things go... whether through wealth or force

and what is that called when your leadership is permanent and unnaccountable... and economics play into it...



The rights people fought for in the past are cutting into profits, and decades of lobbying are paying off. Now with groups like the tea party behind them, they can see lost battles of the past nearly being reversed. The rich are getting their way, and they're probably drooling in anticipation of abolishing unions, and any workers rights. Oh to be able to drill, cut, pollute any land they want. And don't forget to keep up the wars so they can get their tentacles in places they couldn't before.

They don't care how big government is, as long as it plays ball.


The rich wouldn't like Ron Paul because he would end corporate welfare...which is why he couldn't ever be elected. Also just cause the rich don't like him doesn't mean he's good for the poor...he isn't he's just bad all around.

I got excited about Ron Paul too when he kept talking about ending the wars and such, but even though we agree on some things doesn't mean I want him in charge.

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