Ricky Gervais Touchy About Weight Loss : tyt

Ricky's bitter?

this is just bad on the tyt part. like they are scrounging the bottom of the barrel for story. having been very fat and then losing 80 pounds and then becoming very thin... Weight and this story, this issue. who the fuck are the tyt to say why he lost the weight or what his response should of been. -1 on the tyt and I told the fuckers that via direct front page correspondence. asshats.


I'd reserve judgement on this till I saw a video, or at least heard a recording of this. All TYT had was written down and there's so much that can be said but not written down. Gervais is a funny guy, he could have been havin a laugh


They have obviously never seen Ricky Gervais perform live, give an interview or seen any show he has ever been on. He is always like that and I am glad for it. He says what is on his mind and he is free to do so. Also, why is TYT even covering this anyway? They are sadly trying way too hard here. Save this type of shit for TMZ.


This is shit reporting. If they had researched for 5 min instead of jacking it to E!, they would have known he WAS fit and THEN got fat. The issue is not about being fat and losing weight - the issue is that he got fat in the first place.

Since when is this any of TYT's business? New business model?

With the possible exception of the Armenian genocide, this is the lowest I've seen any young Turk.


Rofl.. having listened to years of ricky gervais podcasts and radio show, and knowing the tone of voice and inflections he'd use when saying this kinda stuff, i find it so funny how if you take his words and say them slightly different it looks really bad.

This is fox news style reporting. Irony mixed with sarcasm mixed with over exaggeration sprinkled with a bit of truth, that's all gervais' "tirade" was.

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