President of UN General Assembly: Israel "Apartheid" State

Miguel d'Escoto, President of the UN General Assembly calls Israel an Apartheid State. These words have frequently been used in the assembly, but never from the highest of levels like this.

Phyllis Bennis from the Institute for Policy Studies responds on Real News.

This is not an issue of debate. Israel is an apartheid state. It has an army that is powerful enough to give fuck all about their own Supreme Court decisions, and it has created two of the worlds largest concentration camps in Gaza and the West Bank.

It's amusing and fun when the TV show is called "Hogan's Heroes", and the heroes always manage to thwart the evil fascists plans. It does not taste good when people realize that they are themselves the fascists being pointed upon.


>> ^donotthink:
This is not an issue of debate. Israel is an apartheid state. It has an army that is powerful enough to give fuck all about their own Supreme Court decisions, and it has created two of the worlds largest concentration camps in Gaza and the West Bank.
It's amusing and fun when the TV show is called "Hogan's Heroes", and the heroes always manage to thwart the evil fascists plans. It does not taste good when people realize that they are themselves the fascists being pointed upon.

DoNotThink - Way to live up to your name. Israel is not an apartheid state in any sense of the word.

It is a modern democratic republic, until recently the only one in the Middle East (Now joined by Iraq of course). Arabs are citizens within the country: vote, own property and businesses and have members in the Knesset.

Arabs have more liberty and prosperity in Israel than any Muslim country. Within the so-called occupied territories there are the Arabs calling themselves "Palestinian" who refuse to join Israeli society, or disperse around the region, or live in peace.

Israel does have a strong armed force: to defend against these belligerants, and to protect from the neighboring countries that periodically wage illegal wars of intended genocide on her.


^Are you a character witness? None of what you said has anything to do with whether Israel is an apartheid state. Israel may get good marks at school, go all-state in basketball, and phone mom on her birthday, but that doesn't mean Israel didn't kick the neighbour's dog.

For the record,

International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid:

inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"
inhumane acts of a character ... committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime

Now, agree or disagree that this applies to the case of Israel and Gaza with reference to conditions there. But don't tell me that Israel organized a bake sale for a girl guides summer camp.


>> ^messenger:
^Are you a character witness? None of what you said has anything to do with whether Israel is an apartheid state. Israel may get good marks at school, go all-state in basketball, and phone mom on her birthday, but that doesn't mean Israel didn't kick the neighbour's dog.
For the record,
International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid:

inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"
inhumane acts of a character ... committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime

Now, agree or disagree that this applies to the case of Israel and Gaza with reference to conditions there. But don't tell me that Israel organized a bake sale for a girl guides summer camp.

OK, I disagree that this can be applied to the situation in Gaza in any way.
The first class status of Israeli Arabs is prima facia evidence that there is no racism involved, just defensive posturing.


>> ^mharvey42:
It is a modern democratic republic, until recently the only one in the Middle East (Now joined by Iraq of course). Arabs are citizens within the country: vote, own property and businesses and have members in the Knesset.
Arabs have more liberty and prosperity in Israel than any Muslim country. Within the so-called occupied territories there are the Arabs calling themselves "Palestinian" who refuse to join Israeli society, or disperse around the region, or live in peace.
Israel does have a strong armed force: to defend against these belligerants, and to protect from the neighboring countries that periodically wage illegal wars of intended genocide on her.

You mean Arab jews of course. Do you consider Palestinians to be Arab? Because the treatment of millions of Palestinians kind of negates any "good" treatment of Arabs who live in Israel. I also think you mistake Arab jews treatment, which isn't the same.

Everything you say is beyond bizarrely ignorant.. THe so-called occupied territories.. they silly Palestinians "refuse" to join Israeli society... or "disperse"... You are completely ignorant of all modern history??!!

Israel wages illegal wars, both of the pre-emptive kind and also the regular justified kind where UN & Geneva conventions are shit upon. So if your point is that these other countries are waging illegal war, then you fail because Israel is ten times more illegal in it's military offenses. How often are these neighboring countries illegally killing international aide workers or attacking ships in the Mediterranean? In fact, Israel is probably the last country military to destroy a US naval ship.

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