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Polar bear cub threat


German TV networks don´t stop the coverage about Knut... Maybe because last year there was a bear (not in a zoo but immigrated into the "wilderness" of the bavarian state from italy most probably) that got shot because of him "being a threat". This started a huge uproar and the rangers who shot him even received murder threats. The bear was called "Bruno the problem bear" by bavarian MP Stoiber, heavily decreasing his popularity.

Germans obiously are very kind to animals, there´s a little activist in all of us over here ;-)

Where a few years ago talk shows were the hype on German TV, especially in the afternoon, they now show documentarys of the biggest German Zoos. Every network needs one of those nowadays.

But hey, Knut is too cute to resist...


fake-laughed? when? if you're talking about after the 'threat down' graphic, i'm sure he was laughing at that... not cueing the audience. they have light-up signs for that.

the threat down graphic kinda got me too, it's just so... abrupt.


Today was the first time Knut was allowed to leave his room and go outside. N24 (the german CNN) did a 45min live coverage this morning ;-) This was the first time other persons than his keeper and the doctor were allowed in his closeness (all the footage was done by the doc until now).

Knut is now 113 days old and weighs just over 9kg (800g at birth...).

Today at Berlin Zoo there were camera teams, reporters etc. from all over the world (south africa, japan etc.). Even several school classes got the day off to see Knut (!).

The guys of Berlin Zoo are awaiting at least 10,000 people a day this weekend. Knut is shown from 11am to 1pm every day from now on in the brown bear´s enclosure. Those poor guys have to stay inside for that time...

Berlin Zoo is dependant on public funding, so they now use Knut as money machine: There´s the Knut song (no kidding), Knut cuddly toys etc.

Even the German 'Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency' (or environment minister or however you guys call him) is using Knut´s popularity (election´s are ahead and his party is very weak): He "adopted" the little bear. His agency is going to pay for his food for his lifetime.

You see, a lot going on around this little fellow...

That was your cuddle reporter Conan, live from Germany :-)


Fake? What color is the sky in your world?

Colbert doesn't need to fake such things, with the idiocy he parodies regularly. He's got more talent and integrity than that anyway. Simply put, he couldn't hold it together after the graphic and sound effect, because it's so goofy and accurate a depiction of modern newscasts.

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