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Physicist Challenges Official 911 Story-Al Jazeera

قناة عربية إخبارية تعمل على مدار اليوم. يمكنك مشاهدة بث القناة منتفاعلات, العضوية, تصويت, حلقات النقاش. خدمات الموقع, حجوزات السفر, إعلان خلال الموقع. This speaks for itself. Do you really think the radical Muslims are this sophisticated????

The government agencies housed at 7 World Trade Center were the Secret Service, the Department of Defense, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, the Internal Revenue Service Regional Council (IRS), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Also, Salomon Smith Barney; American Express Bank International; Standard Chartered Bank; Provident Financial Management; ITT Hartford Insurance Group; First State Management Group, Inc.; Federal Home Loan Bank; and NAIC Securities.تفاعلات, العضوية, تصويت, حلقات النقاش. خدمات الموقع, حجوزات السفر, إعلانتفاعلات, العضوية, تصويت, حلقات النقاش. خدمات الموقع, حجوزات السفر, إعلان


No clearly we live in the world of Looney Toons physics. A toothless-blind investigation behind 9/11 that had less of a budget then the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Wreckage from the site quickly cleaned and shipped off to be smelted. Oh and tomorrow my car will explode because there is a fire across the street.


Only three US steel structures collapse due to fire and those are the three. One doesn't receive any major damage. Plenty of eyewitness reports to multiple explosions. Video footage showing evidence towards the 'conspiracy theory'. Scientific evidence as well. Hardcopy evidence of such an attack being planned ahead of time. Yeah, it isn't just fishy and it's downright plausible that the 9/11 attacks were planned ahead of time and carried out specifically to facilitate the US's invasion of the Middle East for multiple reasons.

And although it all angers me, I'm still saying it's a smart idea. If the international community wants to put an end to nationalism in a hurry, then drastic actions are necessary, which is exactly what we're seeing. I don't agree with the heavy-handed methods being used against Iraqis, either, but there is always a madness to the method and that is definitely the formation of the much-announced 'new world order'.

I'm not dumb enough to deny facts, nor am I asshatted enough to downvote this video (that is, if I had the authority).


enourmous planes fly into buildings and people actually claim they then collapse because of "controlled demolitions". that is so mindblowingly depressing for so many reasons on so many levels it makes me want to just go jump off a bridge. someone get me off this fucking planet. please.


Well I guess it's better to stand pat and not ask anything about the greatest defining moment in US history that lead us on a path war to invading two countries and getting stuck with both. No need to listen to why it happened, nor investigate it in any way. We should just accept whatever the goverment says and follow to blind mice right? Iran is next? Hell yeah! I got my M4/M203 right here!


Thermite = aluminum + rust = metals
when ignited, it produces very very hot molten metal.

Hmmm, I wonder where else molten metal could come from in a giant metal core skyscraper which has tons of jet fuel spilled on it?


My non-downvote policy is getting harder and harder to keep up with. But hey, more power to people seeking the truth, I just wish they'd stop convincing people of crazy things.

Whatever, I could be wrong.


enourmous planes fly into buildings and people actually claim they then collapse because of "controlled demolitions". that is so mindblowingly depressing for so many reasons on so many levels it makes me want to just go jump off a bridge. someone get me off this fucking planet. please.

Building 7 (WTC 7) was not hit by a plane, thats the whole point. And it was pretty far away from the towers 1 and 2, and those collapsed on themselves, which means relatively little debris on WTC7, and what appears to be pretty insignificant fires, and that massive 50-story building collapsed almost frame-by-frame exactly like you'd expect from controlled demolition.

So whatever made it collapse, it sure is interesting from many aspects.

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