People Share Their Secret Anonymously (episode 11)

People Share Their Secret Anonymously (episode 11)

I was 18+or- when I used a restroom at a local town park and found a $50 bill on the floor next to the toilet. I was the only one in there. As I walked out and got about halfway to my car a man walked over to me who saw me just leave the restroom. He asked me if found a $50 dollar bill in the restroom and I told him "no". He went on his way to the restroom and I got back in my car and left.

It bothered me afterward to a point that when I see a homeless person I give them no less than $20 even if they don't ask for it. I feel as though the first $50 I gave away was paid back in a way because it wasn't mine. I continue to give to the homeless at times because I feel like I'm paying for my dishonesty that day. I'm still not sure how much longer it will take before I forgive myself.

*walks away without showing my face and toilet paper stuck on my shoe*

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