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Parents Publicly Shame Girl with Sign

Flagler County parents fed up with their daughter's behavior allegedly forced her to hold a sign advertising what she did at a busy intersection.

Flagler County teenager, Jasmine, stood on the corner of a very busy, very public street corner in Palm Coast holding a sign as punishment Wednesday.

"We're trying to stop this before the courts have to do it themselves," said father Mike.

WESH 2 News is not revealing the family's last name, but Mike and Melinda say the 15-year-old has been lying, drinking, sneaking out and overnight, she sneaked a boy in.

Jasmine's sign reads, "I sneak boys in at 3 a.m. and disrespect my parents and grandparents."

"This is all about love. I took my day off of work. I missed out on $300 or $400 today to do this. You know what I mean, to come and do this. I love this kid," said Mike.

"I've taken all her toys or her electronics away; her phone, no privileges on the TV or computer and still she just laughs about it," said Melinda.

Passing motorists seemed to approve of this tough love including honking and giving the thumbs up.

"They need to learn a lesson and that's not abuse," said one passerby. "She did something, she's paying for it. You need consequences."

One man actually stopped because he's worried about the consequences of the lesson.

"I think there's other ways of taking care of this," he said. "The way she looks right now, I don't want her to hurt herself."

"The whole city has seen my face," said Jasmine. "They've seen the sign."

Jasmine doesn't see the love in any of this, but did say her parents' punishment has her rethinking things.

Jasmine's parents said if this doesn't work, they will consider something even more extreme, including shaving her head and making her stand in front of her high school with a sign.

Source YouTube

Probably could have been handled better, if they had done anything earlier. If a child misbehaves it is the parent's fault 90 % of the time. Over punishing when they get to a certain age doesn't help - she might just rebel even harder and end up doing worse stuff.


when parents feel the need to resort to this extreme, then it's obvious to me that the parents are shitty role models to begin with.

the dad seemed to only care about the money he lost not working.

The kids get these ideas from their parents in the first place, so hrm, wonder who mommy was sneaking in at 3am?

This idea that parents are somehow helpless at preventing their kids from doing this stuff in the first place is ridiculous.

all this does is teach kids to not get caught


"If this doesn't work they would consider something more extreme including shaving her head."

Is that even legal? Yeah, her behavior is not okay but actions like that would be doing nothing to address any real problems going on.

I grew up between two sets of grandparents. I spent most my time with the ones that were controlling and abusive. They had this kind of mentality. Shame or punish the child into acting right. That just made my brother and I hate them more. The only time we ever "acted out" was with them. As with the other grandparents, we never wanted to be a disappointment to them. If I did something wrong, I felt horrible without them doing anything.

Maybe I'm reading into it to much but there is something that reads this is more about their pride than her general well being. If they really cared about her they would address the root of the problem instead of making a spectacle.


I applaud these parents for doing this. Things like this needs to happen more often. Kids today are out of control because they know if a parent wants to spank them, they can just call child services and get their parents in trouble. Its a damn shame.

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