Pancakes II: Pancakes for your face

from the author:

Because they are so very tasty.. 5th of February 2008 is pancake day - make sure to celebrate it by cooking up a batch of pancakes, and trying some new toppings. Visit for recipie ideas and a breif history on how pancakes came to be so popular Music & Video by James Provan. Thanks to David Bradley for some ideas, and for stealing my pancakes. Thanks to my parents for putting up with cameras and mess in their kitchen for weeks! For those who are asking: Edited with Final Cut Studio Music written in Logic Studio Cameras - Canon 350D still camera (90% of footage) Panasonic DVX 100b video camera (10% footage)

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Those aren't pancakes! They're crepes. I feel so lied to! I don't know what to believe anymore. The walls are all crumbling down, man. It's all falling apart.

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