Olbermann retaliates to criticism of his Special Comment


Great point! He talks about the merciless mercenaries who kill for political gain, and the right wing talking heads immediately think he's talking about the troops! Well, not really. They immediately want their audience to think he's talking about the troops. So they start up the usual word twisting and lies. Really, it's worse than a knee jerk reaction defending the men and women in uniform. It's cold and cruel calculation to play on the ignorance of an audience that believes anything they're told.


Ahh, the brilliant right wing attack "You're saying something bad about the troops" "You hate US troops" "Look everyone, he hates your sons and daughters"

Gah, they really are the most despicable people around, those who KNOW they're lying, KNOW they are twisting words, KNOW that they are misrepresenting, but don't give two shits, because it helps them silence those that speak the TRUTH that happens to go against what their little war mongering, other culture hating little brains want to believe.

It all comes down to fear with the majority of right wing voters. They're afraid of anyone/anything of another culture, they don't understand it, it makes them uneasy, they like things the way they are, and when they see people of another culture apparently being given a fair go, they freak out. They start fearing that their precious way of life will be changed and pushed aside for these 'newcomers'.

I do feel sorry for them, they are scared, not very bright, generally working class people who are hard done by by the very governments they vote in.

It's just a pity there are so many of them they drag down the rest of the country with them


This guy is always angry, does he ever take time to be calm?

Finally some one who knows that it isnt soldiers who are evil, but the Suits in charge of them. Hence the saying, "If that pencil pushing no name would come down here and see this **** for him self, then maybe he would understand that we need better equipment."

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