Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America!"

B. Hussein Obama's pastor is a racist tinfoil-hatted buffoon. This is very troubling for those who want affirmative action applied to the White House and no serious questions asked of Presidential candidates.

You know, I'm all for letting the truth hang out. Really, I am. And when I found out about Obama's pastor's remarks through this video I was going to upvote it because the truth should be known, and then the voters can decide for themselves whether it's relevant or not. Hell, if Hagee's remarks should be put under the microscope then so should this guy's.

But then you put "B. Hussein Obama" in your comments and tags, thus putting yourself on the same playing field with this pastor, if not worse. Can you not see the irony and hypocrisy in that? Fucking A, dude.

I'll still give it an upvote because of my interest in fair play, despite your coded racist description.


Oh, so what he says is fine because he's a black, liberal, Obama supporter. (US is run by the KKK? What the crap is that about?) But it's no less controversial than what Pat Robertson spouts, and he's universally villified here on LiberalSift. Please ppl, can we stop being so blatantly hypocritical for one day? Or is that asking too much?

I'm going to go listen to Linkin Park and cry now.


Obammy does not deserve the vote of anyone, for soooo may reasons. Rev wright's is simplistic, afro-centric rhetoric....every city has one, outspoken shouting and reactionary champion of the black man....it's the same disease that Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan and others of this ilk have. And just like most putties who want history re-written, they decry symptoms instead of action all the while being played by the hand that holds the cards....Obama is not about change, that should be pretty fucking obvious at this stage in the circus.....He's about being used like they all are.


Ok. I was actually going to upvote this because something someone said in the other thread's comments (something about equal time for dissenting opinion). It made me feel like having downvoted the other ones, just because I didn't care for the smear against my choice for candidate, was the wrong approach. Unfortunately, I accidentally hit downvote from force of habit with this stuff.

Then I saw yet another Hussein tag and didn't feel bad anymore. And "black church"? Do you really think anyone is going to try searching by that string? The hypocrisy and bigotry is palpable.


Meh, he's not controversial at all except for neo-conservative narrowsighted "patriotic" boobs.

I wouldn't judge Obama on his church (or his pastor), because all churches are the same drivel, this pastor just uses it in another way than others. There are far worse pastors and preachers in the US.


OK, I'm upvoting for these reasons:
* I listen to what the pastor says, and agree with it... What's wrong with what he said, please, point out what you think is so wrong with it? Is it because he yells it, all excited and over the top? If the same words were instead spoken in a more moderated tone and in a different setting, I bet you'd have less issue with it.

* I want it to be seen what a blatent smear campaign qm is doing on Obama here... by putting his name in the description as not Obama, but rather B. Hussein, that's TRUE smearing... using a name, which hey, do you do that for anyone who happens to have any part of their name be like another person who is famous and bad? Just horrendous smearing.

* I think the discussion here will demonstrate how this is a smear, and not based in any form of actual content related issue.

* "racist tinfoil-hatted buffoon": Care to elaborate? How is anything you saw then racist? How is he a buffoon? How is he tin hatted, for daring to suggest that maybe there is racism in government... Noooo... never... those of privilege who generally end up in politics would never be racist or bigoted against the poor... noooo.

So, yeah, I upvote in the hope that this outs qm for being himself, a racist, tin foil hatted buffoon.

Oh, and am I a big Obama supporter? Not particularly, I don't live in the states and haven't listened enough to the candidates to really know who'd be best...


First off, I'm a white guy, Obama is not my first choice in presidency, Ron Paul is. So with that out of the way, I don't think Obama should be judged on what the pastor of his church says. Secondly, his pastor is not hired in his campaign. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. People shouldn't have to "Watch" what they say to somehow always be politically correct so the thought police don't come down and mysteriously take you away. I rather like someone who stands up for their beliefs, as long as they have some intelligence behind it.

So is this video somehow suppose to hurt Barrack Obama? Cuz it didn't hurt his image in my eyes.


You want to talk about controversial pastor talk? Try these on for size:

"If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being."

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

"Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions."

"The Jews are returning to their land of unbelief. They are spiritually blind and desperately in need of their Messiah and Savior."

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped [9/11] happen.'"

Jerry Falwell spewed all this ridiculous bullshit for years. McCain had spoken out against Falwell but reconciled when it was to his political advantage. So now which do you think is the more blameworthy candidate?


Nothing he says is racist, just truth puffed up with strong presentation to catch peoples attention. Is it true that our foreign policy for decades has created groups of people around the world that hate us including terrorists, yes. Is it true that our country has a history of trying to keep blacks as a permanent underclass, yes. The narrator of this video kinda twists what he says and tries to present it in the most negative way possible which is not surprising in the truly pathetic American journalist sort of way. Mixed with QM's presentation this is indeed a smear worthy of Fox News but hey might as well refresh on how ridiculous the other side can get once in a while.


This is really fucking stupid.

It's like attacking George Bush's candidacy because of what Jerry Falwell said.

I love how the right is acting like they found a prostitute dead in Obama's house. Desperation is written all over this.


Ok, so let's take advantage of QM's opinion and redirect the issue; that's convenient. But the fact remains that what this man says has to be accounted for. Sorry, the "crazy uncle" does not cut it. This man preaches hate. And, if he were someone else (race-wise) there would be a firestorm. It's about time you lefties owned up to your share of evil. you are damned quick to point out the faults of the right and always willing to ignore what's in your own back yard. Obama is doing the same thing and its going to take it's toll. It works both ways. Deal with it and try to move on.

On the brighter side, isn't it great to watch the demoncrats practice cannibalism...they're so good at it. Enjoy the show.


Barack Hussein Obama is his name. As a rich lawyer (Democrats are the party of the rich, BTW, there are more rich dems than repubs) he's had YEARS to change it if he so wished.

Compared to the despicable, childish name-calling by leftists the past 8 years--including "clever" nicknames for conservatives--why do you think your side deserves a free pass? You're going to WHINE about this little tweak? That's just sad.

Nobody who likes Obama is swayed by his name. O-Bam would be far more worried if his middle name was "Socialism" since that's what he's trying to hide. (If you're a Socialist, you have no problems with this).

But Jeremiah "Lithium" Wright IS going to change some voters' minds. If you worship at the same Altar of Victimhood as Wright, nothing this racist (newsflash: Black people are more racist than White people) buffoon says will shock you or cause you to think twice.

Race-, class-, religion-, gender-, sexual orientation-OBSESSED liberals form a convenient circular firing squad.

Dems can't run a damned primary within their own party but they think they can run a country?

Get out of the way!


QM has some real issues with America, and his hatred is so severe he's resulted to childish name-calling, and incitement.

QM will never understand the difference between Bush/McSame's love for Falwell, Pat Robertson and other right-wing-war-mongers who've not only given these two "spiritual guidance" but also have had private meetings at the White House discussing whether to invade Iraq or not.

But QM and people like him, will continue to grasp at the retarded strawmen they build, screaming things like "socialism", or "reverse discrimination", when all that most Americans want out of our next POTUS is maybe some fucking honesty for once, to help end the chaotic nightmare clusterfuck that is Iraq, and to prevent our economy from sinking further into the toilet. (I'm sure he'll blame all of this on the Democrats somehow, because he and his buddies will never take responsibility for one ounce of the nightmare they've unleashed on the rest of us)

But this is all QM and his friends have now. Some weak-ass video of a completely irrelevant person who said some bad words. This is what they've come to, screaming and harking like a bunch of wounded parrots, while allowing their heros (Bush and the VRWC) to rape our treasury, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and destroy our constitution.


^"This is very troubling for those who want affirmative action applied to the White House and no serious questions asked of Presidential candidates."
Oh please. Do you seriously consider "how does your pastor think of America?" as a serious question?

I would more than anything that the news networks and the candidates themselves cut through some of the bullshit that is asked of them. An example could be the "pearls or diamonds?" question that Hillary Clinton was asked at some debate. I would have loved for her to go "That is a bullshit question, and you're an idiot for asking it!"

A serious question could be, "if you are elected into office, how are you going to rectify the US declining economy? "
"How are you going to change anything? "

Every candidate has jumped on the "change" bandwagon, but no one has given any specifics at all!

"What is your view of the war? What will you do about it? How?"

Attacking him on account of his pastor is completely idiotic and shunts the whole debate away from serious issues.


Obama ain't gonna be President. He'll blame "racism" when he loses.
Hillary ain't gonna be President. She'll blame "sexism" and Obama when she loses.

"McSame/Same/Shame" is half a conservative. Half is better than Karl Marx.

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