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Obama's Flock

One answer to liberalsift's "The McCain-Palin Mob".

Did you know half-Black = ALL Black?

Only one person said they're voting for him because he's black. It seems like you are the one seeing race here.
A lot of these people are brining up meaningful things that matter to them. Healthcare, taxes, environment etc.
I'm not saying there aren't idiots on both sides but this video doesn't make that point very well and as an answer to the "The McCain-Palin Mob" video it's a complete failure.

I'll take these people over those drunken racist rednecks any day.

Actually, I'm wondering, is this a joke?


I have no problem with this video, it is no difference than the Palin supporters being rabid.

But QM, if you don't change your description, I will throw this video out. You state in seriousness what others say in mockery of your party and your ignorance. You don't realize how pathetic your ugly ignorance is.

Did you know half-retard = ALL idiot?


THIS is your answer to the mcain/palin mob video?
ok,ill bite.
the mcain/palin mob video showcased rabid,potentially violent,ignorant and bigoted supporters leaving a mcain/palin rally.
this video showcases mainly black people answering questions and expressing their concerns after an obama/biden rally.
did you even WATCH the video before you posted?
seems to me the point is:
mcain/palin=angry/bigoted ignorant and potentially violent.
obama/biden=concerned citizens for our countries future(though a few could brush up on current events).
wow...yeah....errrrrr..../taps fingers...uh..yeah..well..
i would call this an epic fail to conflate the two camps.
but hey..better luck next time,
and thank you for playing "the conflation game".


Remember the liberal double standard:

Black person preferring or favoring another Black person because of race: supportive

White person preferring or favoring another White person because of race: racist

^ The above really has nothing to do with this post, I just thought you'd like to know, that I know how the liberal mind 'works'.

the mcain/palin mob video showcased rabid,potentially violent,ignorant and bigoted supporters leaving a mcain/palin rally.

You sure are reading a lot into those people; I'd say it was a case of projection. Also, the cameraman in my submission wasn't a provocative jackass like the one in the "Mob" sift.

Do you really believe that the alarming ignorance of these Obamites is less harmful or dangerous than spirited remarks from McCainites? Don't make the mistake of confusing Democrats with Republicans. Republicans range from Pat Buchanan to Ron Paul to liberals like Bush 43. Democrats all pretty much march in lockstep with Ted Kennedy.

The people "my" guy interviewed HAVE NO IDEA why they like Obama. Change? Well, a tire going from full to flat has "changed". Does that make it better?

It was a racist Black woman who said that bit about 1/2 Black = still Black, so why shoot the messenger?

Don't waste the Power Point or however it works, Joe Dirt, this never had a chance anyway on liberalsift.


QM is a troll. I'm not sure if he can make that any more clear folks.

You prove my point, no-star. Dissent will not be tolerated among the ranks of the "open-minded."

Like anyone needs a reason to vote for Obama after the last 8 catastrophic years under the reign of the gigantic moron called George W. Bush and his "fuck the people" crowd ala Cheney and co...

^ This kind of "logic" is like sticking your hand in a roaring fire because it was stung by a bee. You have to blame Bush, because liberals

1) don't believe it's a dangerous world
2) don't believe it when their social engineering projects fail.

The only time Bush "f--ked the people" is when he acted like a liberal, which was, unfortunately, 95% of the time.


QM-you posted a description of "One answer to liberalsift's "The McCain-Palin Mob".
therefore setting the premise,and hence,my response.
i also dont think it a stretch by calling the attendees of the recent mcain/palin rallies "ignorant,bigoted and potentially violent" considering the noxious quotes they have been dropping of late.
you also point out the "alarming ignorance of the obamites".
well..i would counter that many of america's citizens are "alarmingly ignorant",and while i agree that many in the video dont relay a comprehensive understanding of the "change" obama is platforming on.the same can be said of the many mcain/palin voters.the difference is,obama is actually offering a change,while mcain/palin are not.
this political cycle has gone on for decades,with one political ideology gaining prominence and control,only to become bloated on its own arrogance and hubris,eventually decaying in its own corruption.then it swings the other way.the republicans are the ideology at this point in history where their hubris and mismanagement have left them vulnerable.the pendulum is swinging away from them is inevitable,historically speaking.
the one thing that disturbs me is that most americans are unaware of the fact that neither the republicans,nor the democrats,have legislated policy based on their respective political ideologies.not for almost 35-40 years.
bush ran on a conservative republican ticket,and he has been anything BUT conservative.neither clinton,nor reagan ,expressed policies based on their political affiliations.
what we,as americans have to choose from,are two entrenched parties who only pander to their ideological base during election cycles,then totally abandon those ideologies when elected.both parties are pandering whores who work for corporate america,and not you or i.hell,they even let the corporate lobbyists WRITE legislation!
so this election is not so much about ideologies,but rather americans wanting,NEEDING a change from the current entrenched power structure.which just happens to be the republicans,next time it will be the democrats,and the cycle will continue.
that being said,i did find your statement of "^ The above really has nothing to do with this post, I just thought you'd like to know, that I know how the liberal mind 'works',quite interesting.
i dont believe it be accurate,reading many of your comments here,and considering many of your comments are regurgitated talking points thrown out there by many pundits.
if you ARE interested in the different philosophies of either "conservative" or "liberal",and how both ideologies are very important to a democracy.
i recommend you watch this,from TED talks:
oh wait! you already watched this!
till next time..peace


>> You have to blame Bush, because liberals
1) don't believe it's a dangerous world

It is, but whose fault is that? Who funded the Taliban when they were fighting the Russians? Who aided Saddam, supplying him with weapons and funds? Was it the liberals? Or the communists? You blame everything on these two groups so it must've been them, right? The least thing you could do is learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them over and over and over again.

The only time Bush "f--ked the people" is when he acted like a liberal, which was, unfortunately, 95% of the time.

Oh right, because his inability to deal with the Katrina mess was down to the fact that he took a liberal stance on it. His disastrous decision to invade Iraq was once again a liberal one, because liberal people just love invading foreign countries without any good reason or evidence. It had nothing to do with money or oil, right?

Keep sacrificing your freedom for a false sense of security for all I care, after all that's exactly what the terrorists were aiming for.


"Black person preferring or favoring another Black person because of race: supportive

White person preferring or favoring another White person because of race: racist"

Except McCain/Palin followers are not saying "we like McCain because he's white" they are saying "We hate Obama because he's black/muslim"

Saddest part is that half the McCain supporters argument is false.

I called you a Douchebag once before QM, I stand by that today.


>> ^quantumushroom:
QM is a troll. I'm not sure if he can make that any more clear folks.
You prove my point, no-star. Dissent will not be tolerated among the ranks of the "open-minded."

I disagree with your comment. And it doesn't make you any less of a troll, mate. You're a smart guy and you know full well the difference between dissent and being a troll.


well..i would counter that many of america's citizens are "alarmingly ignorant",and while i agree that many in the video dont relay a comprehensive understanding of the "change" obama is platforming on.the same can be said of the many mcain/palin voters.the difference is,obama is actually offering a change,while mcain/palin are not.

The premise of the Constitution is that the people, despite the ignorami, are collectively smarter than monarchs, dictators and central committees.

this political cycle has gone on for decades,with one political ideology gaining prominence and control,only to become bloated on its own arrogance and hubris,eventually decaying in its own corruption.then it swings the other way.the republicans are the ideology at this point in history where their hubris and mismanagement have left them vulnerable.the pendulum is swinging away from them is inevitable,historically speaking.

Inept or ineffectual Republicans moonwalking towards socialism are still not Democrats marching towards the same. The present Democratic congress is a perfect example of this, and even should Obama squeak into the W.H., my guess is there'll be a Republican Congressional majority to greet him.

Change for the sake of change--the Obama mantra--is little better than anarchy. Apparently there aren't enough people who remember the disastrous, failed Carter Presidency to understand this, and considering how history is no longer taught in government schools, it's to be expected.

Liberals' racism double standards and free passes when they say racist things exists. You may not be aware of it on a conscious level any more than a fish notices the water it swims in.

My comments are my own; because they are repeated by more than one voice doesn't invalidate any of them. When I write, 'No nation has every taxed itself into prosperity' it is the truth, even if Rush Limbaugh wrote it first.


>> You have to blame Bush, because liberals

1) don't believe it's a dangerous world

It is, but whose fault is that? Who funded the Taliban when they were fighting the Russians? Who aided Saddam, supplying him with weapons and funds? Was it the liberals? Or the communists? You blame everything on these two groups so it must've been them, right? The least thing you could do is learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them over and over and over again.

The least you could do is learn a little bit about the Cold War in the 1980s.

The only time Bush "f--ked the people" is when he acted like a liberal, which was, unfortunately, 95% of the time.

Oh right, because his inability to deal with the Katrina mess was down to the fact that he took a liberal stance on it. His disastrous decision to invade Iraq was once again a liberal one, because liberal people just love invading foreign countries without any good reason or evidence. It had nothing to do with money or oil, right?

New Orleans is a Democrat-run town and still is. To blame Bush for a natural disaster wrought on a city that geographically is fuct no matter what (they've been hit by hurricanes 19 times in the last 200 years) is pure odious liberal hypocrisy. FEMA is but one of the many lumbering, huge inept government bureaucracies that liberals (and Bush) love. You can't pin their ineptness on Bush either. It's pathetic the way Democrats have used Katrina--a natural disaster--as a political spinning point.

Keep sacrificing your freedom for a false sense of security for all I care, after all that's exactly what the terrorists were aiming for.

The creeping loss of freedom and self-responsibility wrought by the New Deal up till Sept. 10th, 2001 has been far worse than the Patriot Act, yet where was the panic then?


"Black person preferring or favoring another Black person because of race: supportive

White person preferring or favoring another White person because of race: racist"

Except McCain/Palin followers are not saying "we like McCain because he's white" they are saying "We hate Obama because he's black/muslim"

SOME of them DO hate him for that reason, but I'll wager many more on the left hate McCain because he's a veteran and old and SOME on the left hate Sarah Palin because she's a hunter and female.

Many more don't trust Obama because of his dubious associations, his snobbish hubris, his stumbling speeches, his racist reverend and church, his bitter wife, his schemes to raise taxes across the board, his anti-gun stance, his foreign policy inexperience.

My guess is, as this election cycle winds down, lefties will accuse anyone who votes against Obama of being 'a racist'. They ALWAYS reduce everything to race; they're obsessed with it.

I called you a Douchebag once before QM, I stand by that today.

Then this will makes two times I laughed at what has been a clichéd groupthink insult since '06.


I disagree with your comment. And it doesn't make you any less of a troll, mate.
You're a smart guy and you know full well the difference between dissent and being a troll.

Like it or not, the elimination of all dissent is now a hallmark of the left, not the right.

You can't tell the difference between a troll and someone you disagree with?

Trolls write things, usually insulting and brainless, to disrupt communication and draw attention to themselves to serve their own ego. They also run away when challenged. I don't.

Of all the sifters who disagree with me--that would be all of them--NONE of them are trolls, not even the occasional name-calling dolts. Trolls don't last around here and usually don't stay long anyway. I'm here to keep youse all...honest.

If I strike a nerve by writing what others won't and you get pissed off, that's beyond my control. But is it beyond yours?

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