Obama speaks in Indiana about class

This is actually a response to a nascent scandal brewing about some comments Obama made at a fundraiser in SF. This is the Obama campaign's response that they are hoping will lay to rest all accusations from the McCain and Clinton campaigns of this being some sort of "elitist" notion.

Here's a link to the story on HuffPo about the original comment:

Absolutely agreed. Financial well being, and at the very least perceived relative standards of living are the root of all social intolerance and general misdemeanours as people are frustrated by the lack of opportunity or essential freedom and choice over the direction of their lives. Funnily enough, my understanding is that would have been the classic pre-neoconservative, pre-polarisation emphasised Republican attitude.


Wow, Obama handles every situation perfectly. He makes me so proud. I love how he refuses to get cowed into unnecessary apologies or ignore the erroneous charges in hopes that they'll go away. Instead he chooses to call McCain and Hillary on their bullshit, turning lemons into lemonade every time. Every single McClinton attempt to smear Obama so far has backfired.


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