Obama Orders Stephen's Haircut - Ray Odierno


>> ^gwiz665:
And libertarians everywhere shuddered at once at the blatant abuse of power...

I don't think so. Stephen didn't say no to Odierno, he just demanded someone higher-ranking than a 4-star general make the request.

Once Obama made the request, using force to hold Colbert to his verbal contract became a-okay.


I dont watch Colbert, but, I have to say, if it made the troops laugh, and even more so, with the Presidental order, I'm fine with that. Its good, when everyone gathered has some good clean fun. Mr. Colbert showed up a few days ago on the sift, with his new hair style to 'high 5' a principle who is serving in Irag. That guy, was giving a commencement speech to his high school graduation class. I did not reconize Mr. Colbert at first.

The video is on the sift....somewhere.

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