Obama Helps Obstruct Israel Investigation


Welcome to global politics. I wonder if theres another video about the 8 tunnellers gassed by the Egyptians the day before? Nope? Must have missed that one. Oh thats right, it didnt involve Israel. Dumb move by the Israelis but worth America screwing its regional interests over? Turkey is veering away from Europe and into an Islamic figurehead state because its pissed at the EU membership stall so why support them abd screw over what is your major regional ally for 9 protestors? Like I said, welcome to global politics.


Turkey is turning into a Islamic figurehead state? What's the basis of that comment or your proof? Turkey's Constitutional court bans and bars any financing of parties that are anti-secular and it's military is constantly warning against any move towards anti-secularism.

AIPAC's influence in US politics is very large. The problem is in the US house and senate. The same situation has occurred consistently, when the Mossad used EU passports to carry out an assassination, there was alot of noise made but all that happened was the UK kicked the Isreali ambassador. Which is the equivalent of slapping someone's hand.

Not to mention the large contingent of the US voting public that believes that the US must always assure the existence and survival of the state of Israel.

Overall Obama's hands are in effect tied. To simply level all the criticism on him is unfair the problem is far deeper ingrained in US politics. Look at the right wings response to this event, they believe Israel had full right to do what it did.

Egypt at the same time is bought out by the large US aid provided to assure the tyrant Hosni Mubaraks existence. Who at anytime can claim that he is barring the Muslim Brotherhood power, though with El Bardei in the picture and now officially endorsed by the opposition this situation has momentum for real change. Though obviously the US will not allow democracy to take place and push for free elections in Egypt.

What cannot be stressed though is that Israel just managed to push away the only Islamic ally it had in Turkey.


>> ^thumpa28:

I wonder if theres another video about the 8 tunnellers gassed by the Egyptians the day before? Nope? Must have missed that one. Oh thats right, it didnt involve Israel.

So basically, your only excuse for the IDF attacking people in international waters is to compare the state of Israel to a bloody dictature? My hat's off to you, sir.


>> ^KnivesOut:
politics worldaffairs news

Now that is truly mature. At first down voting seemed harsh and the result is better without it. This video should be seen---it is our policy to clean messes up. How much the protesters were actually civilians is questionable, since some picked up steel bars and knives... And after that, they are no longer civies... If they have a reason to die for, great. But don't take the high ground when you are not willing to go into death proud and unarmed.


^ That's called a false equivalence, and the IDF is notorious for saying that rocks are just the same as bullets, and that kids in the street are the same things as armed, trained soldiers.

They've pulled this shit over and over again. Lebanon, Jenin, and bombing the fuck out of Gaza just before Obama took office.

You can lie to yourself all you want, but the rest of the world just isn't that gullible.


Anything the US is involved in is known as the "Peace Process." Obama is continuing what all other US leaders have done for the last half century, it's not surprising it's expected...it's still wrong and infuriating.

Stop funding the Israel see how quickly peace happens.

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