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Obama Blames Rush Limbaugh On Indiana Defeat

Rush Limbaugh strikes again, and all that I can say is I too am a proud supporter of operation Chaos...

>> ^NetRunner:
^ A proud supporter of operation Chaos?
You cast a vote on the basis of what a radio personality told you to do? And you're proud of it?
To each his own, I guess...

As far as I see, when I say proud supporter, I'm saying it from a non-basis stand point... I'm in Texas as last I recall, the primary was back on March 4th 2008 whereas Operation chaos started approximately Mid-March, so there wouldn't have been a way I could have "told what to do" at the time (that and I'm 20, and still can't vote). On top of that, I agree with what Rush said on the 10th of March "This is getting absurd. If it weren't for independents and Democrats crossing over, Senator McCain would not be our nominee..." I admit that I didn't want McCain to be the nominee but thanks to Democratics that were allowed to vote in republican primaries, that happened. You could see it as "voting on the basis of what a rado personality told" but if that would be true, why is it that so many people agree with Rush everyday and helped influence the vote so many times that two months later, we still have no clue who the Democratic nominee is? From what I can tell it is simply payback with interest...


>> ^my15minutes:
^ "payback with interest..."
yes. what an enlightened way to get involved, mas.
revenge, based on horseshit accusations.

tell me 15minutes... did you just read the last sentence and made that assumption? I thought I said at the start, "I'm in Texas as last I recall, the primary was back on March 4th 2008 whereas Operation chaos started approximately Mid-March, so there wouldn't have been a way I could have "told what to do" at the time (that and I'm 20, and still can't vote)."

So how could I have gotten involved if operation chaos wasn't even started yet, and that since I can't vote yet, how is it revenge? As far as I see when I said "Paid back with interest" I was saying how Democratics were only in voting in the Republican primaries to have McCain be the Republican nominee meanwhile would also be considered being "the easier person to beat" come November... However this was only up till the time McCain was guaranteed... As for Operation Chaos, this is republicans voting in Democratic primaries to not have an actual nominee till the very end (I will admit I forgot what it was called, haven't been watching the news lately) and during this time, help boost up McCain's chances of winning... I also lost interest on the democratic race as well, for we have known McCain will be running as the Republican candidate and yet will are still flipping a coin on the democratic side and yet it looks like we aren't going to find out till perhaps after the summer (of course this is an exaggeration, however I wouldn't be suprised if it comes to it...)


^ Wow, you're a dyed-in-the-wool dittohead.

The Democratic meddling Rush says started it is when kos encouraged readers of dailykos in Michigan to vote for Romney.

Democrats also didn't put McCain over the top. Maybe independents did, but Democrats still had a very contentious primary right up and through super Tuesday, when McCain more or less locked down the nomination.

I've got no real read on Republican thought patterns, but I think McCain is the Republican's best shot at winning the White House without really changing the party. Huckabee or Ron Paul would've fared better, but they would've represented a break from the neoconservative movement, and the Republican party has apparently decided to cling to that still.

McCain's got a shot, not because he's in any way fit for the job, but simply because he has a reputation of independence from the core of the party, while in reality, he's still drinking the kool-aid.

Once that illusion of independence fades, he's gonna get beat like a rented mule, even if Hillary takes a chainsaw to Obama's chest at the convention.


Rush Limbaugh is a fucking idiot and listening to him is a waste of time.

His incentive for Operation Chaos before was to get Clinton nominated because the GOP can fight against the Clintons if McCain was the GOP nominee, but they lack ammunition to attack Obama - he makes McCain looks irrelevant.

The only way the GOP can win is to fuck up the Dems enough for the GOP to have a shot. Clinton staying on is only creating political rifts that can exploited by the GOP to fracture a concrete Democratic run in November.

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