Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu Execution

Kangaroo court and execution of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife Elena. A nod to recent Nobel Prize winner Herta Mueller.

Murder for murder! How quaint.

Violence begets violence.

I would have thought we could have at least surpassed that.

Utterly Disgusting. I would say that the act of murdering them alone is enough to subvert all you have fought for.

But as Jefferson said: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

"Liberty is a bitch who must be bedded on a mattress of corpses." - Louis-Antoine St

In the modern world, things should not come to violence. It goes to show we are so truly evolved! How terrible we have become.


I was sixteen at the time, and had gone through life hating them both with a passion that's hard to explain to someone who's never lived under a dictatorship. I must admit I cheered and clapped when I heard they were dead, and even seeing the shameful way they were killed didn't diminish the primal scream of joy we all let out when we knew for certain they were both dead and there was no going back to the dark days. After a few weeks, I felt embarrassed and ashamed at having cheered the deaths of two old people, vicious though they may been - and I think that's the way most people felt after a while.
The way Romanian politics works though, if he were alive he'd be in Parliament now, so...
Shameful bloody trial though. Further reading, if you're interested:


I know a lot of people will view this making the same mistake I did, so I'll save you the disappointment: When it says "kangaroo court and execution" it is not a kangaroo execution, only a kangaroo court. The Ceauşescus do not get stomped to death by huge marsupials in this video. They do get sentenced by a jury of koalas though, which is adorable.


>> ^NordlichReiter:
In the modern world, things should not come to violence. It goes to show we are so truly evolved! How terrible we have become.

It's not right to condemn violence indiscriminately, after all, it is part of the human condition, and I don't consider eradicating any kind of violence as an unconditionally good thing, much less paramount to human evolution.

That being said, yeah, that's one terribly sloppy execution.

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