News and Human Nature - Charlie Brooker's Newswipe S2E1P2

I dropped this into the science channel because they are talking about Fear.

I'm not sure how much of this is scientific but they push a decent narrative.

Does anyone know of any Research into the Media and Fear? Please post links in the comments.

There have been a number of books that dealt with the subject:

The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker

The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

Freakonomics had a section about how terrible we as humans are in gauging the likelihood of something awful happening. The authors illustrate their point by asking you if your child would be safer visiting a friend who had a swimming pool in the back yard, or a friend whose parents owned a handgun. As you could guess, the swimming pool is 100 times more dangerous than the handgun.

Of course, each of these books have extensive references in the back.

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